We were to fly from Rio to Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. However, our plane had issues and we stopped in Sao Paulo briefly to have it repaired. We toured the city and marveled at the astonishing amount of graffiti. On high rises and even underneath freeway overpasses-truly Spiderman feats! Then we flew into intense jungle to Iguazu’s little airport and were taken to the beautiful hotel. Iguazu is the largest waterfall in the world. It is so big it makes its own weather! We were advised to not take walks off the property as it can be quite dangerous. Jaguars, venomous snakes, etc. are everywhere here.
Arrival at our hotel and starting out the next day to see the falls from the Brazilian side of the three intersecting nations.
History of the falls: <https://iguazufalls.com/news/what-is-iguazu-falls-a-bit-of-history-and-relevance/>
Hotel Cataratas. Only hotel here in 2001. Beautiful. learn more here: <https://www.belmond.com/hotels/south-america/brazil/iguassu-falls/belmond-hotel-das-cataratas>.
The Argentina side of the Iguazu Falls.
Abe and Quonnie and our group.
Marilynn and her mom.
Portrait of Marilynn.
The last memory of Iguazu Falls.
Three countries meet here at Iquazu Falls.
Then we took a zodiac ride into this gigantic series of falls and boy did we get wet!
Going upriver at speed and then by a large flock of Great Egrets to Horsehoe Falls—and NO, I hid the camera so there aren’t any shots of cascading water straight down on us.