We saved time by driving straight from Kioro Resort to the Tarcoles River on the pacific coast side of Costa Rica.  The river has the reputation of having more crocodiles than anywhere else in the Americas.  Indeed, I photographed the largest I’ve ever seen.  Had to be nearly 16 or 18 feet in length.  The river is also home to a large mangrove forest and where I was so fortunate to see and catch on my camera some amazing bird shots.  This river delta is truly an amazing place to visit.  This website offers more info: <https://costarica.org/rivers/tarcoles/>

Tiger Heron hunting.

Yellow headed Caracara

Mangrove Swallow.  I’ve tried for years to photograph a swallow in flight.  Has to be the hardest bird to catch after the hummingbird.

Mangrove Swallow in hairpin turn.  And yet, I did it twice!!!

Female Crocodile nearly 18 feet long.

Moments after this she flew into the water after the crocodile in the water.

Oh, look!


Mangrove Swamp

Mangrove Hawk (Common Black Hawk) in tree.

Swooping down to river.

The strike!

Now to eat.

Return to the dock.

Marriott Los Suenos Resort