3 weeks in France-Home

An interesting sidebar to the trip to Paris was that the A-10 is a toll road for a good while.  When we pulled off outside of Paris to the toll booth, our credit card which supposedly has a chip and pin function would not work.  The nice lady on the microphone and I tried repeatedly in my pigeon French and her pigeon English to resolve the problem.  I had cash but that is not used here, only the European credit card.  At last, after a full 10 minutes of trying,  the gate just went up and we took off.  When we got the receipt for the rental car the toll was added to the bill!  It would be so much easier if American finance adopted the Chip and Pin system of Europe.  Without a pin number no one could use your credit card if they stole it———More on this one later in the trip!

               Click on Paris to go to our first day in town.